

Sodium L-ascorbate Cas: 134-03-2 phofo e tšoeu

Tlhaloso e Khutšoanyane:

Nomoro ea lethathamo: XD90438
Cas: 134-03-2
Foromo ea molek'hule: C6H7NaO6
Boima ba Molek'hule: 198.11
Boteng: E teng thepeng e teng ka lebenkeleng
Sephutheloana: 100g USD5
Sephutheloana sa Bongata: Kopa Quote







Lintlha tsa Sehlahisoa

Li-tag tsa Sehlahisoa

Nomoro ea lethathamo XD90438
Lebitso la Sehlahiswa Sodium L-ascorbate



Foromo ea limolek'hule


Boima ba Molek'hule

Lintlha tsa polokelo Ambient
Khoutu ea Lekhetho e Kopantsoeng 29362700

Tlhaloso ea Sehlahisoa

Ponahalo Phofo e tšoeu
Tlhahlobo 99%
Ho potoloha ho itseng +103° ho ea ho +108°
Ketapele 10ppm boholo
pH 7.0 - 8.0
Tahlehelo ka ho Omisa 0.25% boholo
Tšepe e boima 20ppm max


L-Ascorbic Acid, Calcium Ascorbate, Magnesium Ascorbate, Magnesium Ascorbyl Phosphate, Sodium Ascorbate, le Sodium Ascorbyl Phosphate e sebetsa mefuteng ea litlolo haholo-holo joalo ka li-antioxidants.Ascorbic Acid e atisa ho bitsoa Vitamin C. Ascorbic Acid e sebelisoa e le antioxidant le pH adjuster mefuteng e mengata ea litlolo tsa litlolo, tse fetang 3/4 tsa tsona e ne e le lidae tsa moriri le mebala e tsitsitseng pakeng tsa 0.3% le 0.6%.Bakeng sa litšebeliso tse ling, likhakanyo tse tlalehiloeng li ne li le tlase haholo (<0.01%) kapa ka har'a 5% ho isa ho 10%.Calcium Ascorbate le Magnesium Ascorbate li hlalosoa e le li-antioxidant le li-agent tse hloekisang letlalo -- tse fapa-fapaneng bakeng sa ho sebelisoa litlolong, empa ha joale ha li sebelisoe.Sodium Ascorbyl Phosphate e sebetsa joalo ka antioxidant lihlahisoa tsa litlolo mme e sebelisoa maemong a ho tloha ho 0.01% ho isa ho 3%.Magnesium Ascorbyl Phosphate e sebetsa joalo ka antioxidant ho litlolo mme ho tlalehiloe hore e sebelisoa maemong a mangata ho tloha ho 0.001% ho isa ho 3%.Sodium Ascorbate e boetse e sebetsa e le antioxidant ho litlolo ho tloha ho 0.0003% ho isa ho 0.3%.Lisebelisoa tse amanang (Ascorbyl Palmitate, Ascorbyl Dipalmitate, Ascorbyl Stearate, Erythorbic Acid, le Sodium Erythorbate) li kile tsa hlahlojoa ke Cosmetic Ingredient Review (CIR) Setsebi sa Setsebi 'me sa fumanoa "li bolokehile hore li ka sebelisoa e le metsoako ea litlolo mekhoeng ea hona joale ea botle. sebelisa."Ascorbic Acid ke ntho e tsebahalang ka kakaretso e le e bolokehileng (GRAS) bakeng sa ho sebelisoa e le se bolokang lik'hemik'hale lijong le joalo ka limatlafatsi le/kapa lijo.Calcium Ascorbate le Sodium Ascorbate li thathamisitsoe e le lintho tsa GRAS tse sebelisoang e le li-preservatives tsa lik'hemik'hale.L-Ascorbic Acid e fumaneha habonolo ebile e fetoha oxidized ho L-dehydroascorbic acid mme mefuta ka bobeli e teng ka tekano 'meleng.Litekanyetso tsa ho kenella ha Ascorbic Acid ho pholletsa le letlalo le feletseng le le hlobotsoeng la mouse e ne e le 3.43 +/- 0.74 microg/cm(2)/h le 33.2 +/- 5.2 microg/cm(2)/h.Lithuto tse matla tsa molomo le tsa batsoali ho litoeba, likhoto, mebutlanyana, likolobe, lintja le likatse li bontšitse chefo e fokolang.Ascorbic Acid le Sodium Ascorbate li sebelitse joalo ka inhibitor ea nitrosation lithutong tse 'maloa tsa lijo le lihlahisoa tsa litlolo.Ha ho matšoao a kliniki a amanang le metsoako kapa litlamorao tse mpe kapa tse nyane tse bonoang ho litoeba, likhoto, kapa likolobe tsa likolobe lithutong tsa nako e khuts'oane.Likolobe tse tona li ne li fepa lijo tsa basal tsa taolo 'me tsa fuoa 250 mg Ascorbic Acid ka molomo bakeng sa libeke tsa 20 li ne li e-na le hemoglobin e tšoanang, tsoekere ea mali, tšepe ea serum, tšepe ea sebete le sebete sa glycogen ha li bapisoa le litekanyetso tsa taolo.Litoeba tse tona le tse tšehali tsa F344/N le litoeba tsa B6C3F (1) li ne li feptjoa lijo tse nang le 100,000 ppm Ascorbic Acid bakeng sa libeke tsa 13 tse nang le chefo e nyane.Lithuto tsa phepelo ea Ascorbic Acid tse sa foleng li bonts'itse litlamorao tse chefo ho litekanyetso tse kaholimo ho 25 mg/kg boima ba 'mele (bw) ho likhoto le likolobe.Lihlopha tsa likhoto tse tona le tse tšehali tse fuoang litekanyetso tsa letsatsi le letsatsi ho fihla ho 2000 mg/kg bw Ascorbic Acid bakeng sa lilemo tse 2 li ne li se na maqeba a chefo a macro- kapa ka microscopically.Litoeba tse fuoeng Ascorbic Acid subcutaneous and intravenous daily doses (500 ho 1000 mg / kg bw) bakeng sa matsatsi a 7 li ne li se na liphetoho takatsong ea lijo, boima ba 'mele, le boitšoaro bo akaretsang;'me tlhahlobo ea histological ea litho tse sa tšoaneng ha ea ka ea bontša liphetoho.Ascorbic Acid e ne e le photoprotectant ha e sebelisoa ho litoeba le letlalo la kolobe pele e pepesehela mahlaseli a ultraviolet (UV).Thibelo ea khatello ea UV e bakoang ke ho kopana le hypersensitivity e ile ea boela ea hlokomeloa.Tsamaiso ea Magnesium Ascorbyl Phosphate hang ka mor'a ho pepesehela litoeba tse se nang moriri e ile ea lieha haholo ho thehoa ha hlahala ea letlalo le hyperplasia e bakoang ke ho pepesehela mahlaseli a kotsi a sa foleng.Litoeba le likhoto tse nang le moimana li ne li fuoa litekanyetso tsa molomo tsa letsatsi le letsatsi tsa Ascorbic Acid ho fihlela ho 1000 mg / kg bw ntle le lipontšo tsa liphello tsa batho ba baholo-chefo, teratogenic, kapa fetotoxic.Ascorbic Acid le Sodium Ascorbate e ne e se genotoxic lits'ebetsong tse 'maloa tsa tlhahlobo ea baktheria le mammalian, tse tsamaellanang le thepa ea antioxidant ea lik'hemik'hale tsena.Boteng ba litsamaiso tse itseng tsa enzyme kapa li-ion tsa tšepe, bopaki ba genotoxicity bo ile ba bonoa.Lenaneo la Naha la Toxicology (NTP) le ile la etsa tlhahlobo ea lilemo tse 2 ea oral carcinogenesis bioassay ea Ascorbic Acid (25,000 le 50,000 ppm) ho likhoto tsa F344/N le litoeba tsa B6C3F (1).Ascorbic Acid e ne e se carcinogenic ho bong ka bobeli ba likhoto le litoeba.Thibelo ea kankere le kholo ea hlahala e amanang le thepa ea antioxidant ea Ascorbic Acid e tlalehiloe.Sodium Ascorbate e bontšitsoe ho khothaletsa nts'etsopele ea moroto oa moroto lithutong tsa mekhahlelo e 'meli ea kankere.Tšebeliso ea letlalo ea Ascorbic Acid ho bakuli ba nang le radiation dermatitis le bahlaseluoa ba cheso e ne e se na litlamorao tse mpe.Ascorbic Acid e ne e le photoprotectant lithutong tsa bongaka tsa UV tsa motho ka litekanyetso tse ka holimo ho tekanyo e fokolang ea erythema (MED).Setlolo sa opaque se nang le 5% Ascorbic Acid ha sea ka sa etsa hore ho be le dermal sensitization lithutong tse 103 tsa batho.Sehlahisoa se nang le 10% Ascorbic Acid e ne e se nonirritant ho 4-day minicumulative patch assay holim'a letlalo la motho le phekolo ea sefahleho e nang le 10% Ascorbic Acid e ne e se sensitizer ea ho kopana le teko ea maximization ho batho ba 26.Ka lebaka la sebopeho le ts'ebetso e ts'oanang ea metsoako ena, Panel e lumela hore lintlha tse mabapi le motsoako o le mong li ka fetisetsoa ho tsona kaofela.Setsi sa Setsebi se ile sa ama ho sibolloa ha Ascorbic Acid e ne e le genotoxic lits'ebetsong tsena tse 'maloa tsa liteko ka lebaka la boteng ba lik'hemik'hale tse ling, mohlala, litšepe, kapa litsamaiso tse itseng tsa enzyme, tse fetolelang ka nepo ketso ea antioxidant ea Ascorbic Acid ho ea pro-oxidant.Ha Ascorbic Acid e sebetsa e le antioxidant, Panel e ile ea etsa qeto ea hore Ascorbic Acid ha e na genotoxic.Ho tšehetsa pono ena e ne e le liphuputso tsa carcinogenicity tse entsoeng ke NTP, tse sa bonts'ang bopaki ba ho ba le kankere.Ascorbic Acid e fumanoe e thibela ka katleho chai ea nitrosamine lits'ebetsong tse 'maloa tsa liteko.Panel e ile ea hlahloba lithuto tseo ho tsona Sodium Ascorbate e neng e sebetsa e le motšehetsi oa hlahala liphoofolong.Liphetho tsena li ne li nkuoa li amana le bongata ba li-ion tsa sodium le pH ea moroto ho liphoofolo tsa liteko.Litlamorao tse tšoanang li ile tsa bonoa ka sodium bicarbonate.Ka lebaka la ts'oenyeho ea hore li-ion tse ling tsa tšepe li ka kopana le metsoako ena ho hlahisa ts'ebetso ea pro-oxidant, Panel e lemositse baetsi ba lihlahisoa ho etsa bonnete ba hore metsoako ena e sebetsa joalo ka li-antioxidant mefuteng ea litlolo.Panel e ne e lumela hore boiphihlelo ba kliniki boo Ascorbic Acid e neng e sebelisoa letlalong le senyehileng le se nang litlamorao tse mpe le tlhahlobo ea "repea-insult patch test" (RIPT) e sebelisang 5% ea Ascorbic Acid e nang le liphetho tse mpe e ts'ehetsa ho fumana hore sehlopha sena sa metsoako ha se fane. kotsi ea ho utloa letlalo.Lintlha tsena hammoho le ho ba sieo ha litlaleho libukeng tsa bongaka tsa Ascorbic Acid sensitization li tšehetsa ka matla polokeho ea metsoako ena.

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    Sodium L-ascorbate Cas: 134-03-2 phofo e tšoeu